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The Algae Society: Bio Art & Design Lab (2018-2025)
Tranformaciones, arte, ecología y tecnología (2024)
Baryonic Matter vs. Dark Matter (2024)
Gaia: The Greek Goddess of the Earth (2024)
Habitable Zones: We Live in the Milky Way (2023)
Sensing the Wrack (2022-23)
Wallpaper: 100 Years of Seaweed & Kelp (2022)
Algae Digital Kaleidoscope & Tapestry (2022)
Pacific Coast Seaweed in Wrack (2022)
Wild Sun Catchers (2022)
Algae in the Studio (2021)
Future Past Citrus Gardens & Parks (2020-ongoing)
What Makes Us Human: An Art & Genomics Convergence (2020-21)
California Seaweed & Kelp: portraits in the round (2021)
Intersecting Data Fields: An Art & Genomics Collaboration (2019)
Bloom or Bust (2019)
Phytoplankton (Chalk) Wall 2018
Painting with Algae (2018)
Oceanic Scales: Art & Science Community Platform (2014-17)
Blue Trail: Imagination + Innovation for Ocean Sustainability (2012-14)
BioSensing Garden (2013)
sonicPLACE: Sound Wave Festival ((5)) 2012, Intersection for the Arts in San Francisco, CA
sonicSENSE: sonicPOND (2011)
sonicSENSE: hydroSonic (2010)
sonicSENSE + phaseSpace (2010)
sonicSENSE: ZERO1 (2010)
SonicSENSE:SolarSonic v2.0 (2012),
sonicSENSE: blowTANK (2010)
SonicSENSE: SolarSonic (2010)
OpenLab Collaborative Research Center (2010-Present)
sonicSENSE: hydroConversion (2009)
SonicSENSE: Art of Collaboration (2009)
sonicSENSE: Czech Republic (2008-09)
sonicSENSE (2008-2012)
PalmLines (2007)
DRAWING COMPLAINT: Memoirs of Björk-Geisha (2006)
Lost Industry (2006)
Post Election Blues (2004)
Lost Limbs/Foreign Bodies (2005-07)
The Plasticocene (2004-24)
Linking Equilibrium (2003)
Chair for Cabbage (2003)
Skinned [Sound Residue] 2003
Exit to the Interior (2002)
White Pods (2002)
Without Borders (2001)
TransLocate (2001)
Sudden Oak Death, Dog Mauling (2001)
Wig Suit (2000)
Lake of Cool Fin (1999)
Eve was Still a Monkey (1998)
Citrus Sinensis (1996)
Fictitious Objects (1995-7)
Why You Sleep (1994)
Cohabitating Secretly (1994)
Bound by Her Benevolent Behavior (1994)
Sugar Spit Balls (1992)
Horse Table (1992)
Grandma Loved Peety (1992)
Three Lullabies (1992)
White Bread (1992/2006)
Snowman (1991)
Distancing of a Natural Act (1991)
pluck out pull release (1990)
Collecting insects in the studio (1990)
Welcome Mat (1990)
Candy Lick (1990) Skowhegan, Maine
Process of Digestion (1990)
Making Cheese or Rotten Milk? (1990)
Waiting Room (1990)
As an Enfant I did not Suck (1989)
Corn Carriers (1989)
Sewing Seeds | Two Teats: 10 Gallon Capacity (1989)
Pea Factory a.k.a. Mrs. Pea (1989)